
Chocolate Phone = WORTHLESS JUNK!!!

Okay so I was one of the many people tricked into buying what seemed to be the "coolest" new phone out (at the time): The Chocolate. Ugh I'm warning you now its Junk! Don't make the same mistake I did...(I wish someone would've warned me!)

Back around June of 07, my 1st chocolate, began to give me problems. The touch sensitive buttons started to trigger on their own causing the screen to have spasms, and randomly scroll through my texts or contacts. This was really annoying, but I didn't bring it to the attention of the VZW store until my screen started freezing quite often... anyways to make a long story short, after much yelling and blood, they finally gave in and replaced my phone with another one.

Well...I thought that all my worries were over... I was terribly mistaken. Last week on my "new" phone, that I've only had for about a month, every time I would try and use the camera it would turn my phone off... that was really annoying BUT I figured that I could live without a camera on my phone.

This morning my phone seemed to be working fine, but this afternoon when I picked it up to text someone the whole screen was white... I restarted it several times and to my surprise NOTHING changed! So now I am very VERY angry (cause if you know me I'm a phone-aholic). My phone is broken... once more!

So PLEASE do not make the same BAD decision that I have made... you WILL regret it!

lol...okay wow enough venting...



Anonymous said...

wow.. that was heart warming to read.. my phone is hurting my feeling's too.. hehe. stupid Palm Treo 650. and i love the touch screen and everything but.. i have to get a NEWER phone when i get paid .. my mom was willing to switch me phones, she has the blackjack. and i dont wanna soud too picky but . i dont like it too much. any way .. Good Luck with your phone
(i always knew those were no good jk) Bye =]

Anonymous said...

I had that phone in green. I hated it so after a week I got a new phone. I HATE HATE that phone so thank you for telling every one not to get it lol

- Shawnacee L Reynolds