
Something Exciting... For ME!

Since our family owns a recording studio (JNP Studios) we frequently have people coming in and out of the studio recording music etc... well anyways... recently Bro. Robert Garza has been in the studio recording the music portion of his upcoming album. My dad approached me in the middle of their session, the other day, and told me that bro. Garza needed another song for his album and since he knew that I was a writer he wanted to know if I had any songs that i had written that he could possibly record. Scanning the records of my brain I was trying to remember a song that I might have written that could fit into his style... well make a long story short I remembered a worship course and verse that I had scratched out in one of my notebooks...

When I showed them the lyrics, to my surprise, they really liked the song! We immediately began to put a tune to the words (which turned out to be really catchy)... SOOO all that to say: the song ended up turning out really REALLY good, and I am really pleased :)

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